AllStarLink V3 release … made an announcement last week that a new version of the Open Source AllStar software has been released. This is a very important development in our view – V3 is based on the latest version of the underlying Asterisk Open Source telephony software and has been tested on the latest version of the linux distribution Debian. They are also providing a Raspberry Pi image which will make things a whole lot simpler for those looking to adopt this new version.

How does this affect our ClearNode products ? Our software distribution is based on the image – so in the short term, there will be no change.

However, that AllStarLink V3 is based on a much more modern software stack is compelling, both for long term maintainability and the additional features this revision enables. We will most certainly be testing and investigating this release. There are some significant changes in the configuration files, which suggests there will be significant development on our end to integrate with those changes. As you know our products automate the creation and management of the configuration files.

We also have to carefully think through how we would provide our solution based on this release to our existing and future customers. We do our best to bring modern solutions to this corner of Amateur Radio – but at the same time we do seek stability and reliability.

Look out for further announcements as we get the investigation under way …

73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 118 and App 1.50 released …

(Currently waiting on both Apple App Store and Android Play Store to complete review and release.)

  • Added HamVoIP firmware version to NodeDetails Versions section
  • Fixed crash in Last Heard for Android
  • Added Disconnect before connect to Timed Events
  • Extended Monitor only and Disconnect before connect to Timed Events TG Connect
  • Added Charging indicator to ClearRLS Control screen
  • Various bug fixes, and some support code for ClearRLS

73 … Gerry.

ClearRLS … release !

We got the updated release level PCBs back from the fab and they are passing all tests ! We should start shipping next week.

Still working on improved case/enclosure options. Once available they will be provided as an upgrade option when you purchase – keeping the original 3D printed case as the economic option. If you want to upgrade the case later, it will be offered as a separate purchase. (Beta customers get the upgrade for free in recognition of their contributions !)

Check out the ClearRLS product page for more information.

73 … Gerry.

HamVoIP/AutoSky update …

The good folks at have updated the AutoSky code to correct a minor bug. We recommend all users install the update.

You won’t get a warning in the app that the update is available since HamVoIP have not changed their major version numbers. To pick up the update go to NodeDetails > Versions … and tap on “Asterisk 1.4.23-pre.hamvoip …” and accept the update – your node will reboot.


73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 115 and App 1.49 released …

This is a minor release to fix a couple of bugs that affect the new ClearRLS product and an issue with ClearRPT GPIO control.

73 … Gerry.

Announcing ClearRLS …

After many, many months of development and testing we are finally ready to release the Beta version of ClearRLS – a rechargeable battery powered AllStar/EchoLink Digital node with a build in speaker and PTT button.

Check out the ClearRLS product page for a full description.

73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 114 and App 1.48 released …

Some maintenance items and some items asked for by you the community …

  • Double check dialog added to Node Shutdown action to help prevent accidental shutdown of unattended nodes
  • Network unavailable “Waiting for help” mode expires approx every hour and tries again
  • Network retry count cannot be set to less than 3
  • Supermon passwords can no longer contain an exclamation point (!)
  • Screen refreshes are paused when user is trying to disconnect a connection
  • USB Audio Preview command now updates all setup values
  • You can now set the node’s DNS Resolver (/etc/resolv.conf) from Node Details > Operating System Setup
  • Support all 3 Analog_Bridge usrpAudio modes including defining usrpAgc parameters

73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 113 and App 1.47 released …

Some minor features and fixing a handful of bugs …

  • AllStar Setup option to disable DTMF commands
  • The ClearNode mobile apps now give more frequent and clearer warnings that your node has out of date software
  • Private Nodes configs creation first removes all previous configs before applying new ones
  • SA-818 RSSI polling no longer interferes with Updating Radio Frequency and Codes

73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 112 and App 1.46 released …

Tackling some often requested features in this release, and fixing a few bugs.

  • Nodes that have the 818 Radio Transceiver can now be instructed to send the Receive RSS Level back to the ClearNode mobile app – it will be displayed in the Radio section at the top of the Node Details screen. You must first turn on the “Poll Radio RSSI” setting in “Your Nodes > Settings”
  • We have deployed custom voice announcements for connections, disconnections and banned connections. You can enable and control this feature in “Node Details > AllStar Setup > Telemetry > Alt voice telemetry” – it is disabled by default. You are advised to turn off the standard “Voice telemetry” if you enable this option
  • We have added various voice announcements to the internet startup process when your node boots up and fails to reach our servers over the internet. Voice announcements have also been added to help you use the WiFiByLight functionality.
  • When selecting “Monitor only” in the “ADD CONNECTION” screen, you are prompted for confirmation if you are turning this option on. There have been a lot of cases where folks have turned this option on unwittingly and then been left to wonder why they can’t transmit to the connected node
  • We have deprecated the Transmit Timer function on the Node Details screen
  • Deployed some bug fixes in the Timed Events screens, particularly for the Android version.

73 … Gerry.

ALERT: Issues with “saytime” …

The and scripts that you can call via a DTMF command have developed issues. That is to say the target APIs at have changed or are not responding as expected.

The good folks over at are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. As soon as that becomes available we’ll add a post here on how to get the fix installed.

73 … Gerry.