ALERT: Messaging server outage (Resolved)

20:30 Pacific : SmartPhone App to Node communications is interrupted … we are investigating !

73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 130 and App 1.60 released …

(Apple iOS App Store release still pending …)

Recommended for all users and installations !

  • New command to retrieve current kernel version from your node
  • Added node shutdown to options for ClearRLS soft button
  • Provide node under-volt condition notification and status in Node Details screen
  • Fixed restore node configuration from server
  • ASL3 update prompts now treats DVSwitch as part of overall package updates
  • Fixed DTMF commands for reboot and shutdown in ASL3 distribution
  • No longer polling for NWS Alert counts when SkyDescribe is disabled

73 … Gerry

IMPORTANT – ASL3 Updates …

If you are running ASL3 on your node – i.e. a Pi 5B based model, Pi 4B based model where you explicitly migrated to ASL, or a Pi 4B based model where you selected the ASL3 distribution option when you purchased – it is now time to update your ASL3 installation to the latest release from AllStarLink.

Likely this will happen automatically when you reboot your node, or you will be offered the update in the ClearNode mobile app.

Once you have upgraded to API 129, likely you will be offered the update to ASL3 after the reboot – proceed with the update.

IMPORTANT: This update takes a LONG time ! Do not interrupt power – be patient, wait for it to complete.

When you’re done – this is how your “Versions” section should look

73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 129 released …

All users should update as soon as they can !

Primarily this release prepares ASL3 type nodes for the upcoming update to the ASL3 code. However, there are some common changes that ALL nodes should pick up.

The update to ASL3 will be coming shortly.

73 … Gerry.


(This relates to all Pi 5B based ClearNodes, and all Pi 4B ClearNodes where you chose ASL3 at the time of purchase, or you have subsequently migrated.)


Although have been working furiously (on the weekend!) to solve the issue and have released a fix. I suggest you hold off from upgrading just yet until it’s clear this fix works and that it hasn’t introduced any further issues.

Your best course of action is to wait until the ClearNode mobile app warns you that a software update is pending and offers you the upgrade.

73 … Gerry.

URGENT – ASL 3 devices !!

The ASL3 team has been tracking an issue that severely degrades the audio in ASL3 – DO NOT upgrade your ASL3 software installation until further notice. They are busy working on a fix. We will report any updates here !

The last known good version as indicated in Node Details > Versions : “Asterisk 20.10.0+asl3-3.1.0-1.deb12”. If you have already upgraded beyond this version contact Support as there is a work around.

This does NOT affect HamVoIP based ClearNodes.

73 … Gerry.

Documentation Updates !

We’ve been using the down time to catch up on some overdue tasks – particularly the product documentation. We move quickly to deploy new features and to update existing ones, the unfortunate side effect is that the documentation sometimes lags behind.


73 … Gerry.

No Store Shipments between Dec 27th and Jan 27th !!!

The last shipments before the sojourn will be made on December 26th.

We will leave the store open and accept orders – but your order will NOT BE SHIPPED UNTIL AFTER JAN 27TH. Shipments will resume in the order that payment was received.

Please be aware of this because if you submit an order in that period and then want to cancel it – we will deduct the credit card transaction fees from the refund per our normal terms.

73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 128 and App 1.59 released …

  • UX and process improvements for WiFi Management
  • UX improvements in configuration routines
  • Various bugfixes

73 … Gerry.

ClearNode API 127 and App 1.58 released …

  • Notifications will now use your Tags to identify your nodes and your connections. This feature will only work once you have re-sent your AllStar Setup to each of your nodes – this is how your nodes get updated with the Tags you use in your iOS and Android Mobile Apps. This feature is turned on by default – to turn it off go to “Your Nodes” > “Settings” and turn off “Use Tags in Notifications”.
  • The “Play NWS” button will now only appear if you have enabled SkyDescribe in your “AllStar Setup” > “SkywarnPlus Options”
  • You can now add the “/L” and “/R” suffixes to your CW ID – “Node Details” > “AllStar Setup” > “AllStar Server” > “CW ID suffix”. Our understanding is that these suffixes are no longer required by the FCC, but some folks like to add them anyway.
  • When your connections are displayed in the mobile app, there is a new state “Connecting” as well as “Monitor” and “Tranceive”.

73 … Gerry.