made an announcement last week that a new version of the Open Source AllStar software has been released. This is a very important development in our view – V3 is based on the latest version of the underlying Asterisk Open Source telephony software and has been tested on the latest version of the linux distribution Debian. They are also providing a Raspberry Pi image which will make things a whole lot simpler for those looking to adopt this new version.

How does this affect our ClearNode products ? Our software distribution is based on the image – so in the short term, there will be no change.

However, that AllStarLink V3 is based on a much more modern software stack is compelling, both for long term maintainability and the additional features this revision enables. We will most certainly be testing and investigating this release. There are some significant changes in the configuration files, which suggests there will be significant development on our end to integrate with those changes. As you know our products automate the creation and management of the configuration files.

We also have to carefully think through how we would provide our solution based on this release to our existing and future customers. We do our best to bring modern solutions to this corner of Amateur Radio – but at the same time we do seek stability and reliability.

Look out for further announcements as we get the investigation under way …

73 … Gerry.